frequently asked questions
what's the process?
first you can fill out our form to join our "givers" team of cake artists.
then we will have your information on file and when we have a call to action, we will connect with you to see if you are available.
once we've confirmed the cake artist for the job we will give you the rest of the details.
how can i be on the giving team of bakers?
we are very proud of the people on our team. all you need to do is fill out our volunteer form and we will be in touch with you. we want to see examples of your work and know a little about you.
can we nominate someone to get a cake?
no. not at this time. we are committed to a number of amazing agencies (listed in "who we serve") who have already establised connections with women in our communities who are in need. we rely on them to determine who is eligible. as our group grows, we will continue to add to our groups, but will stick to our current partners for the time being.
how far in advance will you let me know?
depending on the agency we are working with and the situations, we try to give as much notice as possible. we have some agencies that have planned events far in advance, and others with a list of birthdays that we can schedule. of course there will always been situations that arise where we need something short notice, but you never need to feel obligated to take that job on if you're not available.
can i say no?
absolutely. we really hope that if we are able to grow our group of givers that we will be able to evenly distribute the cake load. if you are unavailable or simply can't offer another cake that year, we completely understand.
what should i do if a client asks me for something else?
we work directly with agencies, through compass cake community. we ask that you refer them to their agency who will then connect with us. if they asking to purchase something from your own business that is completely separate and will have no connection of any kind to compass cake community.
what if they offer me money?
we, under any circumstances, do not accept money. the way this organization is set-up is that is completely based on volunteers providing baked goods to agencies. no funds should exchange hands at any time. if this should happen, we will speak directly with the baker/cake artist.
if the client insists, we ask that they are directed to donate to the agency they are involved with as they are all charitable organizations that can handle funds.
do i deliver?
yes, but not always to the client. there are a few options depending on the agency we are serving with your cake. in some cases the goods are brought to the agency for a special event they are holding for those individuals. in other cases, the cake is being brought by a care worker to the client and would love to have you attend their "tea & chat" to celebrate the client. if you are comfortable with that, we would love to have you attend. if you aren't, the cake simply has to be delivered to the agency at the requested date and time.
there is no third party pick-up option at this time.
the reward for our baking givers is the reaction of the client when they see the cake. unfortunately, this may not always be the experience you imagine. should you not receive an enthusiastic response, please understand that it is not a reflection on your cake, but may be related to how the client is feeling or other medical issues. on the other hand, many of our clients are at different points of their journeyt so the agency may still request a cake between when the client appears to be "much better off". should the client appear to not be in need, do not feel that they are less deserving. these moments are often few and far between for some of these clients, and they should be treasured. regardless of the circumstances, you are making a difference, and the impact of your kindness may never be known.
how do we determine which baker is contacted?
there are many factors involved in deciding which cake artist receives a "call to action." the factors include but are not limited to the following:
Proximity to the agency/clients
Type of event
Quality of work
Date the cake giver signed on
Number of cakes previously donated
how quickly do I need to respond to a request?
until we are able to increase our notification time, we would like a response 24-48 hours after receiving the request. this gives us the best chance of finding another baker if you are unable to donate a cake. if we are in a situation where we need an emergency baker (something within the month), we may send out a request to more than one baker at time and whoever responds first will have the opportunity to provide the cake.
do I need to bake in a licensed kitchen?
no. some of our giving partners do have licensed kitchen, many others do not. most provinces do not require a licensed kitchen for food donations through a nonprofit.
am I covered by insurance?
most provinces have laws that indentify donors of prepared foods provided that they donate to a nonprofit organization. however, to ensure complete protection for our baking partners, we carry liability insurance.
how do we know what size to create?
each situation will be a little different. currently we are connected to two agencies with regular clietns. one situation is something every other week for 12 women who are experiencing a once in a lifetime treat. they are only able to go through this agency's program once. in this case, we provide cupcakes (1-2 doz) every other week.
in our other partnership, we celebrate birthdays with 3-4 people who are visiting the client who's birthday it is. in this case, a cake serving 6-8 is enough, or 6 cupcakes. details and preferences will be given when connecting you with your task.
do they get to pick or do we have creative liscence?
we will try to get details about favourite colours, flavours etc and will give you as much information as possible before taking on your tasks.
what about dietary restrictions?
we request that the agency list dietary restrictions on the application. please notify the administrative team immediately if you cannot satisfy their requirements. we will either identify another baker or ask the agency to provide a dessert that can be enjoyed by the client.
can i promote that i am a partner in this group?
yes! we want you to take pride in your work and let people know what we're doing. photos of the cake will be posted on facebook, and you will be identified as the baker. we will make your page a “favorite” of our page and include a link to your website on the compass cake community site.
we will send you a "i support" badge that you can proudly add to your page once you have completed a cake.
will i be reimbursed?
no. at this time our organization runs completely on goods exchanged. we all donate our time and costs to this organization. we hope to only ask our givers to donate 1- 2 times per year, based on a cakes serving no more than 12. please let us know if you are interested in more or less than that and we will accomodate that.
is my donation tax deductible?
everyone has different income tax situations. please contact your accountant for information on how these rules apply to you.